How To End A Marriage With It Being Complicated
Did you develop feelings for someone and decided to propose marriage after only a short period of dating? If the fast marriage resulted in frequent conflicts due to you learning things about your spouse that were not evident before, getting divorced might be a good idea. You might actually be able to end the marriage without the divorce process being complicated, especially if no kids are involved. A marriage that isn't complicated can usually be resolved without having to pay a large amount of legal fees. Ths article explains some of the things that you should know in regards to getting divorced without a big hassle.
Ask Your Spouse if He or She Agrees with Getting Divorced
The best way to end a marriage without it being complicated is to ensure that your spouse agrees with getting divorced. If you have not already discussed the desire to end the marriage, speak to your spouse about it as soon as possible. Make sure the conversation is held with a friendly tone that does not make your partner feel as though he or she is the blame for the marriage ending. Simply discuss that you feel as though there are irreconcilable differences that are due to not knowing much about each other before getting married. If your spouse agrees that the marriage should end, a divorce can be granted in no time depending on which state you live in.
Discuss How Marital Assets Will Be Settled
After agreeing that the marriage should end, another way to speed of the divorce process is to discuss the division of marital assets. Since you and your spouse have not been married long, it is not likely that there are a lot of marital assets to be divided. However, it is still wise to determine how assets will be divided no matter how few of them there are. For instance, if there is any money in a shared bank account, it should be discussed with your spouse. Even things such as collectibles should be divided fairly to make sure the marriage is settled without conflicts arising during the process.
Hire a Lawyer to Draft Up Uncontested Divorce Documents
The best way to obtain uncontested divorce documents is through a lawyer. You can actually get the documents drafted up at an affordable price, especially if there is no need for court representation. A lawyer will ensure that the documents are worded with the coorect legal terms and will be accepted by the court. You can also get advice in regards to what should be written in the documents to ensure that the marriage is resolved fairly. Keep in mind that a lawyer can file the divorce documents on your behalf as well, even if you don't need court representation.
For more information, contact companies like Madden Law Firm The.