
Space, Place, Pace, And Face: Teach Your Kids Dog Safety This Summer

With summer around the corner, you're probably busy with the usual reminders to your kids to use lots of sunscreen, swim with a buddy, and avoid potato salad that's been on the picnic table too long. Your litany probably does not cover the prevention of dog bites. So, here is some practical information on how to avoid an attack that could forever impact the quality of your children's lives. Dog days of summer Read More 

9 Ways A Dominant Hand Injury Can Affect Your Hobbies

During a personal injury case, one of the biggest components is your pain and suffering. This part of a case will detail how the injury has personally impacted your life. When it comes to hobbies, personal injury attorneys will want to know the details of any hobbies, the costs, and the emotional value of that loss due to a dominant hand injury. In some cases, this loss can be permanent and have a dramatic effect on your life. Read More 

Will Your Dog Require You To Face A Personal Injury Lawyer?

As the weather changes and more people get back to outdoor exercising and activities, there are perils they may not realize they face. One of these perils is any loose dogs that may be in the area. Even dogs who may not normally be aggressive, have been known to bite if they perceive danger from someone entering their territory. Unfortunately, the danger they think they perceive may be your neighbors who are out for an evening walk or run. Read More 

Filing For Bankruptcy? 2 Mistakes That Could Destroy Your Case

When you are in the midst of financial turmoil, it isn't always easy to see the light. In addition to dealing with personal guilt, you might also have a hard time answering calls from bill collectors and family members. In an effort to make things right, you might be thinking about declaring bankruptcy. Unfortunately, a bad decision or two could alter your ability to discharge your debt. Here are two mistakes that could destroy your case, and how you can streamline the process: Read More 

Hurt In A Motorcycle Accident? 2 Reasons You Need A Specialized Lawyer

As a motorcyclist, nothing is more terrifying than being involved in an accident—especially if you know that it wasn't your fault. To make things right, you might be tempted to work with the first personal injury attorney you can find. Unfortunately, some lawyers are better prepared to argue these special cases than others are. Here are two reasons you need to work with a specialized motorcycle accident attorney: 1: Damages Are Typically Much Higher Read More