Business Bankruptcy Blues

Protecting Yourself And Your Rights After A Car Accident

When you are involved in a car accident, even a minor one, there are things that you will need to deal with and costs that will have to be covered. Sometimes it is hard to determine who is at fault and where those bills should go. If you truly believe you are not at fault and the accident report does not clearly define the fault or cause of the accident, hiring a car accidents lawyer to help sort it all out might be the best solution. Read More 

Workers Compensation And How You Should Protect Your Rights

If you are ever injured in your workplace, you may know that your employer offers workers' compensation insurance. However, you may know little about this benefit and how it works. Here is some information about workers' comp and what you should do to protect your rights when you are injured on the job: What does workers' compensation actually pay for? Workers' compensation insurance helps cover the cost of your medical expenses when you incur an on-the-job injury. Read More 

Frequently Asked Questions About The Statute Of Limitations And Wrongful Death Cases

If your child, parent, partner or spouse passed away, and you feel someone caused their death, you may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible parties. If this is something you are considering, you need to know about the statute of limitations. Many people are not familiar with this term. However, it plays a huge role in your ability to file a claim. Here are a few of the questions you may have in regards to the statute of limitations and wrongful death cases. Read More 

Using Negligence Per Se To Claim Injury Damages From A Landlord

As a tenant, you can use ordinary negligence laws to hold your landlord responsible for your injuries if you can prove that the landlord owed you a duty of care, breached the duty, and the breach caused your injury. In typical landlord-caused injuries, it means that you have to prove that the landlord knew a dangerous condition existed, didn't fix the danger, and it caused your injury. The legal principle of negligence per se, however, allows you to pursue your claims without proving that your landlord knew or should have known about the dangerous condition. Read More 

Things To Know About Your State’s Divorce Law

Every state handles divorce a little bit differently. Be sure to ask your lawyer about these aspects of divorce law in your state.  Is it a Fault-Based State? The biggest thing to know right off the bat is whether your state recognizes fault-based marriages or not. In a fault-based state, the judge may rule that the divorce was caused by a particular spouse's actions. That can have a big impact on how assets are awarded or even how custody is handled. Read More